Sunday, January 10, 2010

Taiko Oroshi

I sounded the oroshi today. I never done that before, not in front of an audience. I only sounded it once, without anyone looking. There was not a moment of nerves, just preparation. When the taiko was placed and the hanbo found, I calmly waited for the moment I could begin. I stepped onto the tatami, faced the kamiza and bowed. Calmly I walked over to the taiko and bowed, picked up the hanbo and bowed. I took my kamea and a moment of silence and raised the hanbo high in the air, than I let all I knew and all I still need to learn take over. The hanbo came down and hit the skin of the taiko, the overwhelming sound raised the hanbo again high up in the air and the rhythm was hers. First the slow beats that became faster and faster, than slowed down again, the hanbo finding the heart of the drum and mine, then there was silence. I bowed again to taiko and stick, now with a new found respect and immense gratitude. I sat down in seiza and felt the energy rush through me.

I sounded the oroshi today.

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